报告题目:Brexit, Migration, and The Trump Trade War
报告人:Quentin W. Dombro
举办单位: 新葡萄8883官网AMG
报告内容简介:Let us explore the world of global economics by reviewing three of the most dominant issues currently disrupting the world order: Brexit, Migration, and the trump trade war. Visiting lecturer Quentin Dombro will provide a tour of the chaotic economic scene and attempt to explain why there is such a deep political divide among peoples of the world.
Quentin will take us on a grand voyage beginning in the uk, traveling across europe, and then onto the areas of conflict in the middle east and of poverty in Africa. We cross the Atlantic to explore the new world and recent trade actions take by a certain gentleman by the name of Donald J. Trump. What is happening in the United States Of America?
Lastly, Quentin plans to share his insight into teaching macroeconomics both here and abroad. Macroeconomics is about much more than economic indicators, principles, and concepts. It is about people and how we might attain a fair and sustainable prosperity. Quentin will also discuss what students might expect when taking courses in America.
报告人简介:Quentin W. Dombro, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学工商管理硕士,曾在Connecticut College, Pinchot University, Lincoln University (New Zealand), University of Otago (New Zealand), University of Vermont, University of Maine等多所高校任教,参与多个国际项目,包括:Developed Center of Entrepreneurship (Philippines), Established Agricultural Cooperative (Ghana), Taught Strategic Management (Albania), Consulting Agricultural Cooperative (Brazil), Taught Business Management (Russia), Consulting Small Business (Kosovo)等,曾经在美国大型公司以及政府工作,并自己经营一家电脑服务公司。现就职于美国克拉克大学,承担本学期新葡萄8883官网AMG中外合作办学项目的宏观经济学课程的教学。
- 主题: Brexit, Migration, and The Trump Trade War
- 时间: 2018-12-17
- 地点: 翡翠湖校区科教楼B座1004国际文化交流室
- 主讲人: Quentin W. Dombro
- 日期: 星期一, 17 十二月 2018