中美人口与产业动态比较研究(A Comparative Study of Population and Industry Dynamics)


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  • 报告人简介:鲍曙明,新葡萄8883官网AMG计算机学士,上海财经大学应用统计学硕士,美国克莱姆森大学应用经济学博士。现任密歇根大学中国数据中心主任、社会研究院(ISR)/高校政治与社会科学研究联盟(ICPSR)研究员、和中国研究中心研究员,兼任武汉大学社会地理计算联合研究中心海外共同主任。历任江西师范大学鄱阳湖流域与湿地研究教育部重点实验室创始主任和华东理工大学城市与区域分析实验室创始主任等职。目前担任国际华人地理信息科学协会秘书长、中国留美经济学会常务执行主任等职。在地理信息系统,区域经济,空间数据分析等领域已发表论文80余篇。

    报告题目: 中美人口与产业动态比较研究(A Comparative Study of Population and Industry Dynamics)

    报告时间: 2018年6月22日

    报告人观点: Both the U.S. and China have experienced significant socioeconomic dynamics within recent decades, including the spatial distribution and composition of population and industry. While some regions experienced spatial growth of population and industry, other regions experienced declining population and industry. Among 2,751 counties/districts in China, 1,031 counties/districts experienced shrinking population from 2000 to 2010. Among 3,143 counties in the U.S., 1,099 counties experienced shrinking population from 2000 to 2010 and 801 counties experienced shrinking population from 1970 to 2010. Those trends may continue and will have significant impacts on regional development and reshape the future landscape in terms of population, economy, politics, culture, and environment. This talk will present a comparative study of regional dynamics of U.S. and China. It will demonstrate: how to identify those regions with growing or declining population in the U.S. and China; how to identify the difference in the population and industry structure between growing and declining regions; and, how to identify primary changes in the population and industrial/business structure of declining regions. The future potentials for the spatial study of global development will be discussed.

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