报告题目:A Stochastic Frontier Model with an Endogenous Treatment Status and a Mediator
报告摘要:Government policies are frequently used to promote productivity. Some policies are designed to enhance production technology, while others are meant to improve production efficiency. An important issue to consider when designing and evaluating policies is whether a mediator is required or effective at achieving the desired final outcome. To better understand and evaluate the policies, we propose a new stochastic frontier model with a treatment status and a mediator, both of which are allowed to be endogenous. The model would allow us to decompose the total program (treatment) effect into technology and efficiency components, and investigate whether the effect is derived directly from the program or indirectly through a particular mediator.
王泓仁教授,台湾人文社科研究中心主任、经济学科召集人、台湾大学经济学系主任、教授、博士生导师,密西根大学经济学博士。他是SSCI期刊Empirical Economics和生产率方面顶级期刊Journal of Productivity Analysis的副主编(Associate Editor), Taiwan Economics Forecast and Policy的联合主编(Co-Editor)。他的研究方向为效率与生产率分析,投资与金融政策等。王教授的研究成果多次见于顶级期刊Journal of Econometrics的lead articles,在其他知名期刊如Journal of Business and Economic statistics、Journal of Banking and Finance、Econometric reviews,Economic letters和Journal of Productivity analysis等发表论文几十篇。共同编写的书《A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata》2015年已由剑桥大学出版社出版。王教授曾获得台湾研究最高奖项杰出研究奖2次,其他奖励十余次。